FixnZip Awards & Reviews

March 14, 2013

We're very excited about all the positive feedback we've been getting since the launch of the FixnZip™, and we wanted to take a moment to share it with you. From blog reviews to awards at tradeshows, and even a feature in a recently published book, people seem to be happy with the product. But why brag about ourselves when other people can do it for us? Here are some links to the various FixnZip awards and reviews we have received from experts in a range of fields. Don't forget to check back as we update the list.

Do you have a review of your own? We love hearing what people think of the product and how they are using it. So head over to our Facebook page and tell us about your experience with FixnZip™. 


FixnZip Earns Hot Award IHA Top 5 AwardFixnZip outdoor gear repair
FixnZip™ was selected as a "Hot 20" product at the 2013 Craft and Hobby Show.Thirty thousand new products were Introduced at the 2013 International Housewares Show. FixnZip™ was awarded in the Top 5 of its category.Backpacker Magazine included FixnZip™ in it's book the "the Complete Guide to Outdoor Maintenance and repair"

FixnZip Most Innovative


FixnZip™ was included in Exploring Elements "Top 10 Survival Products"
 In a review of the Craft and Hobby 2012 Summer Show, FixnZip™ was
In a review of the Craft and Hobby 2012 Summer Show, FixnZip™ was considered to be the most innovative product. Product Pioneer featured FixnZip™ on its blog, giving you a look at the background of our company.

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