Sleeping Bag Zipper Repair

It’s October, and the weather has officially transitioned to fall here in Portland, OR. We’ve been getting beautiful sunny days here in the Northwest, but the nights have been getting noticeably colder. It’s the time of year when I actually zip up my sleeping bag when I go camping, which brings me to the topic of today’s blog post: how to fix a sleeping bag zipper.

I invested good money in my sleeping bag, because it’s one of the most important pieces of equipment I take backpacking. I need it to maintain body heat, and hopefully get a good night’s sleep in the process.  It’s lightweight, comfortable, breathes well, and it keeps me warm. It wasn’t cheap either.  I’ve never had a problem with the zipper on my sleeping bag (knock on wood), but I consider myself lucky because a number of my friends have run into this exact problem. So, what are your options if the zipper slider on your sleeping bag wears out or breaks? Here are a few options for how to fix your sleeping bag zipper (and of course the FixnZip® is in there).

Your first option would be to take it to a seamstress. You’ll get your sleeping bag back good as new, but it will also run you anywhere from $60-$100, depending on their pricing. This is only a viable option if you're in town and not using the bag. But what if the zipper breaks when you’re out backpacking?

McNett has a field zipper repair kit that runs about $9.95. It involves unstitching the seam, putting on a new slider, and sewing the seam back up.  It includes 5 sliders, but each one fits a specific size and style (i.e. a #5 tooth and a #5 coil).  This option is definitely cheaper than the seamstress, but it requires you to do the sewing, and you have to carry multiple zipper sliders for each specific size and style.

The best solution? Naturally I’m partial to this option, but the FixnZip® is great for sleeping bag zipper repair, whether you’re at home or on the trail. For sleeping bags, you can take a look at our video on how to measure zipper size, but I recommend the size Medium. It fits zipper sizes 5-8 and works on both tooth and coil zippers. It does not require tools or sewing, and takes only seconds to install, which makes it a great option for repairing zippers in the field. A single runs just $10.99, and you can order it here.

Below is a video showing Ray, our President and CEO, using the FixnZip® on his daughter’s sleeping bag.

As you can see in the video, the FixnZip® is easy to use on a sleeping bag. I highly recommend keeping a few in your first aid kit when you're backpacking, just in case the zipper goes out on any of your gear. As always, if you have any questions about this post or have a topic you would like me to cover, comment below or hit me up on Twitter or Facebook. You can also contact us here.


There are plenty of camping survival guides out there already, but there's not much when it comes to glamping. Don't worry, Glampers, I've got you covered.

5 Must-Haves For Your Next Glamping Excursion
  1. Cozy Bedding: You can't go out into the wilderness without a plan to stay warm at night. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get much better than anything from Anthropologie, especially a great quilt with matching shams. If you have to bundle up under the covers, you might as well look good doing it.
  2. A Night Light: Every glamper needs a light to see by, but there's no reason you need to settle for a simple flashlight. Next time you crack open your copy of Pride and Prejudice out under the stars, make sure your light fixture is on par with the beauty surrounding you.
  3. Good Food: It's a proven fact that BBQ tastes better while camping (especially glamping). That's why you should always stock up on good quality steak, maybe add sautéed mushrooms or Brussels sprouts on the side.
  4. Good Drinks: The best way to unwind after a long, strenuous day of glamping is to treat yourself to something really special. If you aren't a wine drinker, you could always go for my personal favorite, a limited release from Reverend Nat's.
  5. Sewing Machine FixNZip Replacement Slider: Carting around a heavy piece of equipment isn't easy, especially while trying to maintain a spacious and relaxing glamping tent. That's where FixNZip comes in... Next time you have a broken zipper threatening to completely ruin your glamping adventure, you'll be all set. No tools, no sewing (no sewing machine, either), just an easy way to fix your tent zipper. Before you know it, you'll be sleeping worry-free on your pillow top mattress.
Well, that should get you started! There's obviously plenty more that could be added to the list, but these are definitely the must-haves. And if you prefer to rough it out there, we have a guide for your first non-glam camping trip, too. You’ll find that the FixnZip can help you repair backpack zippers, sleeping bag zippers, and more!
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