Tips for Fixing a Broken Zipper on Your Tent

Tips for Fixing a Broken Zipper on Your Tent
March 9, 2021

As spring begins to swing, you may be itching to get your camping gear out and take to the woods. While it’s devastating to pull out your tent and discover a broken zipper, nothing is worse than not realizing it until you get to your campsite. You can be proactive with these tips for fixing a broken zipper on your tent with the FixNZip.

Reasons Your Tent Zipper Broke

Your tent experiences a great deal of wear and tear in just one warm season, regardless of how often you take it outside. Camping equipment can become easily damaged, and zippers are often the first to go. A broken zipper is merely a sign your zipper slider is worn out, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the whole tent needs to be replaced. Typically, when a zipper is broken that means it’s fallen off its track or has a problem with the teeth not connecting.

Ways To Repair Your Tent Zipper

While you might be willing to sew in a new zipper if you catch the problem at home, a no-sew zipper slider is quick and functional for camping. You can use a FixNZip slider to repair tents with closed-end zippers. This easy replacement zipper has strings on both sides that you can use on the inside and outside of your tent.

How To Use a FixNZip Slider

For closed-end zippers, you can begin your repair anywhere on the track. Start by loosening the thumb screw and then fit both ends of the zipper track into the FixNZip. Next, twist the thumb screw down tight and then loosen it a quarter of a turn so the zipper has room to slide. You may need to keep the replacement zipper tight since closed-end zippers can get loose. If the zipper ever becomes unattached and gaps open, you can back up the FixNZip and tighten down the thumb screw before using it again.

Don’t forget to pack a FixNZip the next time you go camping. Try these tips for fixing a broken zipper on your tent with FixNZip and you’ll save yourself time, money, and hassle. FizNZip also works with sleeping bag zippers, backpack zippers, and clothes. Check out our camping guide before your next adventure!

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